Drum & food related hijinx

Sunday, May 28, 2006

fancy footwork

Finally, my foot is behaving itself. I have finally mastered (well enough), the sixteenth note triplet, so I can progress further along in my original book.

2 more weeks, and I'm on to latin and funk drumming. I'm looking forward to that :)

I'll still be using the "Bass Drum Control" book at the same time, but I can just practice the exercises in that to keep my foot skills developing.

Friday, May 12, 2006

bass drop

Oh yeah, updating. That's right.

I bought this new Pearl bass pedal (P-1002). Now I have a double pedal, so I can develop those skills when the time comes, and enjoy learning on a better quality pedal in the mean time, while developing my right foot.

It takes a lot of work, but I'm getting there. I'ts starting to behave and do what I tell it to do :)

Training the ankle to do something it's not used to doing takes quite a while!